Association for University
Business and Economic Research

A national association of regional
economic research centers


Committee assignments effective November 2023 – October 2024. ♦ denotes the Committee Chair.



The Commendations Committee reviews the criteria for individual honors, including the R. Thayne Robson Award, the AUBER Fellow Award, and Honorary Member status. The committee invites nominations of active members and selects recipients for consideration by the Board.
Committee members include the Secretary-Treasurer (chair), current President, and three immediate Past Presidents.
  • Patrick Barkey (Univ. of Montana)
  • John Deskins (West Virginia Univ.)
  • Brian Lewandowski (Univ. of Colorado Boulder)
  • Michael Hicks (Ball State Univ.)
  • Juliette Tennert (Univ. of Utah)


The Publication Awards Committee reviews the criteria for the annual Publications Awards of Excellence, invites submissions from AUBER institutions, and selects the winning submissions. Research communicators are encouraged to participate.
Committee members include the Past President (chair), one board member, and the two most recent winners in each category.
  • Murat Arik (Middle TN State Univ.) ∗ 2023 Print, 2022 Websites
  • Morgan Cordle (Univ. of Alabama) ∗ 2022 Electronic
  • Nicole Gislason (Univ. of West Florida) ∗ 2023 Websites
  • Jenny Liu (Portland State Univ.) ∗ 2023 Electronic
  • Stephen Miller (Univ. of Nevada Las Vegas) ∗ 2022 Print
  • Juliette Tennert (Univ. of Utah) ♦

Conference Planning

The Conference Planning Committee organizes the program and event logistics of the annual fall conference.
Committee members include the President-Elect (chair), representatives from the host institution, the Secretary-Treasurer, and others selected by the President-Elect.

2024 Conference – Boise, ID

  • Vanessa Fry (Boise State Univ.)
  • Lisa Goodpaster (Ball State Univ.)
  • Jennifer Green (Jacksonville State Univ.) ♦
  • Michael Hicks (Ball State Univ.)
  • Brian Lewandowski (Univ. of Colorado Boulder)
  • Karlee May (KM Events)
  • Victoria Meldrum (Ball State Univ.)
  • Rod Motamedi (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst)
  • Marc Schaffer (St. Norbert College)
  • Juliette Tennert (Univ. of Utah)

Constitution and Bylaws

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall (1) review the official documents; (2) receive suggestions for changes from members, officers, and committees; and (3) make appropriate recommendations to the board.
Committee members are appointed by the President.
  • Patrick Barkey (Univ. of Montana) ♦
  • Michael Hicks (Ball State Univ.)
  • Vanessa Fry (Boise State Univ.)
  • Jennifer Green (Jacksonville State Univ.)
  • Brian Lewandowski (Univ. of Colorado Boulder)
  • Marc Schaffer (St. Norbert College)
  • Juliette Tennert (Univ. of Utah)


The Engagement Committee focuses on developing opportunities for the AUBER membership to participate in an exchange of ideas, knowledge, and support throughout the year. Activities may include webinars, forums, workshops, etc.
Committee members are selected from the board and/or membership.
  • Rajeev Dhawan (Georgia State Univ.)
  • Jenny Liu (Portland State Univ.)
  • Victoria Meldrum (Ball State Univ.)
  • Marc Schaffer (St. Norbert College) ♦
  • Raymond Sfeir (Chapman Univ.)
  • Eric Thompson (Univ. of Nebraska Lincoln)


The Investments Committee uses best practices to oversee AUBER’s financial accounts and makes recommendations to ensure the long-term financial stability of the organization.
Committee members include the Secretary-Treasurer and others selected by the President.
  • Rajeev Dhawan (Georgia State Univ.)
  • Michael Hicks (Ball State Univ.)
  • Bruce Kellison (Univ. of Texas at Austin) ♦
  • Juliette Tennert (Univ. of Utah)


The Membership Committee focuses on the growth and sustainability of the AUBER membership. Activities include (1) connecting with, reviewing, and recommending prospective members; (2) reconnecting with inactive and former members; and (3) producing an analysis of membership characteristics, interests, and needs via the annual membership survey.
Committee members include the Vice-President (chair), the Secretary-Treasurer, and appointed board members.
  • Patrick Barkey (Univ. of Montana)
  • Vanessa Fry (Boise State Univ.) ♦
  • Nicole Gislason (Univ. of West Florida)
  • Lisa Goodpaster (Ball State Univ.)
  • Brian Lewandowski (Univ. of Colorado Boulder)
  • Victoria Meldrum (Ball State Univ.)
  • Manuel Reyes-Loya (Univ. of Texas Tyler)
  • Monica Haynes (Univ. of Minnesota Duluth)
  • Rod Motamedi (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst)


The Nominating Committee prepares a slate of nominees to be voted on by the membership to serve as officers or members of the AUBER Board of Directors.
Committee members include the President (chair) and executive officers.
  • Vanessa Fry (Boise State Univ.)
  • Jennifer Green (Jacksonville State Univ.)
  • Michael Hicks (Ball State Univ.)
  • Brian Lewandowski (Univ. of Colorado Boulder) ♦
  • Juliette Tennert (Univ. of Utah)

Peer Review

The Peer Review Committee facilitates the academic peer-review service for all AUBER members.
Committee members are selected from the board and/or membership.
  • John Deskins (West Virginia Univ.) ♦
  • Michael Hicks (Ball State Univ.)
  • Bruce Kellison (Univ. of Texas at Austin)

Societal Impact

The Societal Impact Committee identifies opportunities to align with complementary organizations, such as AACSB, through its societal goals. Recommendations may include new initiatives or revised strategies that enhance AUBER’s mission and vision.
Committee members are selected from the board and/or membership.
  • Vanessa Fry (Boise State Univ.)
  • Jennifer Green (Jacksonville State Univ.)
  • Michael Hicks (Ball State Univ.) ♦
  • Brian Lewandowski (Univ. of Colorado Boulder)
  • Eric Thompson (Univ. of Nebraska Lincoln)
♦ denotes Committee Chair