Association for University
Business and Economic Research

A national association of regional
economic research centers

Award Guidelines

AUBER recognizes the outstanding achievements of our members each year at our fall conference.

Members may submit their work for consideration for the Awards of Excellence in print/electronic publications and websites, as well as the Polzin Prize for Best Paper.

AUBER members may also nominate an individual for consideration for the Fellow of AUBER Award as well as the R. Thayne Robson Award.

All entries are due by August 1st. Award recipients will be announced at the fall conference.

Awards of Excellence in Publications

Deadline August 1

Excellence in Print Publications

  • This category includes newsletters, studies, forecasts, contract and technical reports, magazines, journals, data publications, proceedings, and marketing campaigns, among others.
  • Submissions may be one-time publications or part of a series, and they may cover any topic.
  • Judging is based on quality and impact of content, visual appeal, synthesis of underlying message, and overall impression.

Excellence in Electronic Publications

  • Electronic publications are designed for email, tablet, and mobile device use. These products take advantage of the digital medium. Interactivity is not required.
  • Submissions may be one-time publications or part of a series, and they may cover any topic.
  • Judging is based on quality and impact of content, visual appeal, synthesis of underlying message, and overall impression.

Excellence in Websites

  • Websites may be produced for the center or a client. These may include dashboards, knowledge portals, and searchable archives, among others.
  • Content may focus on business, economics, public policy, community development/impact, data collection/delivery, or center self-promotion, among others.
  • Judging is based on content, ease of navigation, functionality, visual appeal, and overall experience.

Paul Polzin Prize for Best Paper

Deadline August 1


  • The lead author must have AUBER membership in good standing.
  • The paper must be written in APA, Chicago, or similar scholarly format.
  • The paper should be a new work not previously published or accepted for publication.
  • The paper must be presented in a session at the fall conference. The abstract should be submitted to the program chair (vice president) as soon as possible to guarantee a slot in the conference schedule.


  • Submissions are due August 1.
  • Each eligible paper will be reviewed by a committee comprised of the three most recent AUBER past presidents.
  • The paper will be evaluated using the criteria of originality, quality of argument, positioning, and writing style.
  • The award recipient will be recognized at the fall conference and will receive a $500 cash reward.

Individual Commendations – How to Nominate

Deadline August 1

Note: Self-nominations for individual commendations are not considered.

AUBER Fellow Award

One recipient may be selected per year. Nominees should meet, or substantially meet, the following criteria:

  • Be an active or retired member of AUBER.
  • Maintained membership for at least 12 years.
  • Held the role of center director or equivalent at a host institution.
  • Served in a leadership capacity on the AUBER Board of Directors.
  • Provided significant leadership and substantial service to AUBER. This may include the following:
    • Chaired committees
    • Frequent conference session organizer and participant
    • Key role as conference host or program chair
    • Acted as AUBER’s liaison in partnerships with external organizations

R. Thayne Robson Award

The R. Thayne Robson Award is the highest honor an individual in AUBER may receive. One recipient may be selected biannually (two years). Nominees should meet the following criteria:

  • Be an active or retired member of AUBER.
  • Maintained membership for at least 15 years.
  • Held the role of center director or equivalent at a host institution.
  • Served in a leadership capacity on the AUBER Board of Directors.
  • Provided longtime commitment and substantial service to AUBER.
  • Be an economic and public policy leader in their state.