The AUBER Board of Directors invites interested parties to submit proposals to host the annual fall conference in 2025. Please submit your proposal in PDF format to Brian Lewandowski, AUBER President 2023-24, at, by March 1, 2024.
Joint proposals from multiple organizations collaborating as conference host are welcome, and even encouraged.
Please address the following items in your proposal:
- LOCATION: Please describe travel connections. If the meeting will not be near a major airport, please describe how AUBER members will travel from the airport to the convention site.
- FACILITIES: Please describe convention facilities in terms of meeting and sleeping rooms. The meeting facilities must be able to accommodate three parallel breakout sessions, plenary sessions for approximately 100-150, appropriate meal facilities, a generous-size hospitality suite, registration area, and vendor/publication exhibit space.
- HOST(S): Explain your expertise to manage a meeting in a cost-effective manner. List your experience in hosting past meetings and/or the resources you will use to ensure this meeting will be run effectively. Again, joint proposals from multiple submitters are welcome, and even encouraged.
- INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT: What will your institution(s) do to ensure meetings will take place even if you or your co-submitters are no longer present?
- FIELD TRIP OPPORTUNITIES: A chartered-type bus trip is not a necessity, but an afternoon of recreation is always included in the program. Please list the possibilities near your proposed site and your thoughts about a proposed trip or activity.
- SCHEDULING FLEXIBILITY: The conference is typically held in mid-October. Indicate your preferred dates. The Board will vote on proposals prior to the fall business meeting.
- PLANS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY FUNDING AND/OR SPONSORSHIPS: Can you raise funds from your local community to help make the conference successful financially? What are your thoughts or ideas? AUBER relies on the fall conference to cover its own operating costs, the costs of a spring meeting, and maybe even contribute a bit to the Association’s reserves.
- ACCESS TO MAJOR SPEAKERS: The President-Elect has the primary responsibility for organizing the conference program; however, the conference host often helps arrange for keynote speakers.
- OTHER CONCERNS: What other concerns or important factors would you like to include?
Please review our detailed conference planning guidelines before preparing your proposal.
For inquiries and additional guidance, contact the AUBER Business Office at We also encourage you to reach out to previous conference hosts for advice.