AUBER brings together regional economics centers from 75+ leading universities across the United States that are dedicated to continually improving the quality, effectiveness, and application of research in business, economics, and public policy.
Benefits of Membership
- Connect with economic research leaders from peer institutions and hear about the latest research, projects, and studies that are relevant in other states.
- Collaborate with AUBER members on research and get expert opinions on your projects.
- Network with economists and researchers who have faced similar environments.
- Learn how to manage economic research centers, interact with constituents, increase center visibility, and find funding sources.
- Attend our annual conferences and discuss cutting-edge research and communications strategies.
- Receive the latest economic news and updates through your complimentary subscription to AUBER’s newsletter.
- Get exclusive access to our annual survey of centers covering activities, budgeting, and staffing.
- Increase your center’s visibility by winning an AUBER award for Excellence in Publications, Excellence in Websites, Excellence in Electronic Publications, or the Polzin Best Paper Prize.
- Find new jobs or recruit the right candidate through our website and social media.