Dakota Institute for Business and Economic Analysis
100 S Spring Avenue, Ste 205
Sioux Falls SD 57104
Phone: 702-763-2590
Email: info@dakotainstitute.org
Website: https://www.dakotainstitute.org/

The Dakota Institute is a nonprofit economic research and analysis organization whose mission is to support the long-term economic growth and development of South Dakota and the Northern Plains region. They fulfill their mission by supporting decision makers in all fields with the best available data and analysis so they can make strategic decisions and investments that drive growth.
- Jared McEntaffer, PhD, CEO
jared@dakotainstitute.org - Nayanne Medeiros, Economic Analyst
- Devan Schaefer, PhD, Fellow
- Aaron Scholl, PhD, Fellow
- David Sorenson, PhD, Fellow
- Consulting
- Data Analytics
- Economic Forecasting
- Economic Impact Analysis
- Housing Studies
- Public Speaking
Dakota Institute
Sioux Falls