Association for University
Business and Economic Research

A national association of regional
economic research centers

University of Michigan


University of Michigan
Lorch Hall, Room M116
611 Tappan Avenue
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1220

Phone: 734-764-2567

Fax: 734-763-1307

Member since:

ANN ARBOR MI/USA - OCTOBER 20 2017: Crisler Center on the campus of the University of Michigan.


Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics (RSQE) is a modeling and forecasting unit that has been in operation at the University of Michigan since 1952. Four times a year, RSQE provides forecasts of both the U.S. national economy and the Michigan economy. Since November 2022, RSQE’s U.S. and Michigan forecast reports will be publically available at no cost.

The University of Michigan’s Annual Economic Outlook Conference, the longest-running such event in the United States, is put on by RSQE and is held in Ann Arbor each November. Attendees at the conference are primarily upper level business and government economists and analysts from all over the country (with the Midwest over-represented) and from all types of industry, plus local academics from the University of Michigan and the nearby region.

RSQE has twice received the prestigious Blue Chip Annual Economic Forecasting Award, AEFA, recognizing “accuracy, timeliness, and professionalism” in economic forecasting.



  • Economic Impact
  • Fiscal Impact
  • Population/Demographic Analysis, Projection, Estimates
  • Economic Modeling/Forecasting
  • Economic Outlook


  • U.S. Forecast / Semi-Annually — Economic Forecast
  • Michigan Forecast / Monthly — Economic Forecast

Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics

Ann Arbor