Association for University
Business and Economic Research

A national association of regional
economic research centers

Conference Call for Papers & Projects

“The Future of Work”

AUBER is organizing the schedule for our upcoming fall conference, October 14-17, 2023, in San Antonio, Texas. We encourage you to submit your paper abstract, project description, or session topic! Send to Brian Lewandowski, AUBER president-elect and conference chair, at

2023 Theme: It goes without saying that the pandemic disrupted the economy. Industries shut down and employees were furloughed. But many workers found a new work-life balance working from home, and remote employment began to stick.

As the pandemic subsided and the economy improved, many firms have adopted a hybrid work model, begging the question—has the shift in preferences forever disrupted office occupancy? What are the spillover effects on downtown vibrancy for retail and restaurants? And how will firms cope, in what’s likely to be a recessionary environment, with the tension between wanting employees back in the office and needing to reduce the expense of their real estate footprint?

Join us in San Antonio to discuss economics, business, and the Future of Work.

We invite contributions on a variety of topics, including:

  • Quality of work environment, flexibility, compensation, training support
  • Technology, productivity, and connectivity
  • Industry response to inflation and international turmoil
  • Real estate mix and sustainable development
  • Education and human capital issues
  • Immigration and border issues
  • State and local finance
  • Inflation and price volatility effects
  • Encouraging diverse perspectives in economic conversations
  • Statistical modeling and analysis
  • Data delivery tools and techniques
  • Online dashboards
  • GIS mapping and output analysis
  • Survey research
  • Demographic analysis
  • Public policy analysis
  • Center operations and challenges
  • Center relationships with public and private sectors
  • Dissemination to media outlets

Submission deadline July 10, 2023

Send your paper abstract, project description, or session topic to Brian Lewandowski, AUBER president-elect and conference chair, at

Learn more about the 2023 Fall Conference in San Antonio, TX.

Conference hosted by the Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas at Austin and the Texas Real Estate Research Center, Texas A&M University.

The AUBER conference is a great environment for students and junior researchers to present their work (finished or ongoing) and receive mentorship from experts. Likewise, academics and professionals can “talk shop” with peers from across the nation and beyond.

December 20, 2022